When you visit our homepage, we create and place a so-called cookie, a technical identifier and other mechanisms (such as web analytics tools and pixel tags) on your computer, which, however, do not collect information related to you, but transmit information to us about usage patterns regarding the computer on which you are logged in. It means that we receive information about the pages opened and the clicks; however, these pieces of information are linked not to you, but only to the computer used by you at a particular moment. The cookie is meant to make the usage of our website more comfortable, effective and enjoyable, as well as to make our special offers and advertisements more personalized. For the creation of this technical identifier you do not provide us with the necessary data, but in the light of the above-said, we collect data during the usage of the website; the data is automatically exchanged, based on the communication between the computers.
We collect and keep records of the following data categories during the usage of the cookie:
- information about your browser preferences
- your IP address
- the hyperlinks you clicked
- your user name and profile picture, as well as the data you have given on your profile (eg. facebook profile) – in case you shared content about our company to third-party websites, and you use eg. the “like” function.
Your consent provides the legitimate basis for the usage of our cookie, because by clicking on the “I agree” button in the pop-up window upon visiting our website, you give your consent to the legitimate application of the previously said information. You can delete a set cookie from your computer or opt out of and block the application of these cookies in your browser. Generally, you can manage cookies in the Tools/Settings page of the browsers under Data protection by naming the cookie. We consider the blocking of the cookies as the withdrawal of your consent.
In case you want to opt out of the usage of cookies, certain functions and services will not be available for you.
You can read more about the deletion of the cookies on the following link:
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en