Kovács Nimród Winery

Christmas sales

Crown you winter holidays with the premium wines of Kovács Nimród Winery! From the total amount of your purchase 10% discount applies when buying 1 or 2 cases, 15% when buying 3 cases of wine. If you select Monopole or Nagy-Eged wines, instead of the discount you can choose wine tasting gift cards (for 2 persons) […]

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The most memorable wine picnic experience of the summer

Something always happens in Noszvaj, in the Nomád Hotel. This summer, exploration tours will be launched to discover the secrets of nature by open safari buses for families, couples, pensioners with an adventurous heart, singles and sociable and friendly people every Friday. First, the tour leads us to the most special valley of the Bükk, […]

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VinAgora arany a KNW 2015-ös Furmintnak és a 2011-es NJK-nek!

Örömmel osztjuk meg a hírt, hogy a rangos nemzetközi VinAgora versenyről két nevezett borunk is aranyéremmel tért vissza: a 2015-ös Furmint és 2011-es NJK is a dobogó legfelső fokára állhatott. Ikonikus hegyünk, a Nagy-Eged olyan adottságokkal bír, amelyhez hasonlót Magyarországon csak igen kevés termőhely mondhat magáénak. Kovács Nimród, a KNW tulajdonosa több alkalommal is felidézte, […]

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Although Somló and Villány have swooped down on the prizes of Best White and Best Red Wine in the challenge of the Circle of Hungarian Wine Writers; there have only been two Eger cellars who were able to excel both in the fields of red and white wines and get into the Super 12 with […]

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